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Bilateral agreements 

Croatian higher education institutions seeking for cooperation within the Erasmus programme are listed below.

Polytechnic of Zagreb
Type of HEI: HEI performing four First cycle curricula - in Civil engineering, Computing, Electrical engineering and Informatics and three Second cycle curricula - in Civil engineering, Electrical engineering and Informatics
Contact person: Sonja Zentner Pilinsky, vice-dean for students and education
Adress: Vrbik 8, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Web page: www.tvz.hr
Advert release date: 09/03/2010
Accompanying document: Info, Letter of intention

RRiF University College of Financial Management
Type of HEI: Higher Education Institution
Contact person: Martina Herceg Rendeli
Adress: Martiæeva 29, Zagreb
Web page: www.visoka-skola-rrif.hr
Advert release date: 05/03/2010
Accompanying document: Info, Letter of intention

Zagreb School of Economics and Management
Type of HEI: Business School (Undergraduate and graduate programs)
Contact person: Prof. Javier Aguayo
Adress: Jordanovac 110, 10000 Zagreb
Web page: www.zsem.hr
Advert release date: 15/02/2010
Accompanying document: Letter of intention

Aktivnosti Rokovi
Erasmus intenzivni jezièni teèajevi (EILC) 01.02.2013.
Erasmus potvrda konzorciju za struène prakse 08.03.2013.
Intenzivni programi (IP) 08.03.2013.
Mobilnost studenata i osoblja 08.03.2013.
Pripremni posjeti 11.01.2013.
Erasmus + Erasmus + , poziv na dostavu projektnih prijedloga Erasmus+, pronađi se u programu Obzor 2020. Obzor 2020., poziv na dostavu projektnih prijedloga Obzor 2020., pronađi se u programu