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  Početna stranica > Program za cjeloživotno uèenje > O Programu za cjeloživotno uèenje > Erasmus > Traženje partnera / Partner search > Lista partnera iz Hrvatske / List of Croatian partners
List of Croatian higher education institutions seeking for cooperation within the Erasmus programme 

If you are interested in closing Erasmus interinstitutional agreement with a higher education institution from Croatia, please register your organisation on the following link http://arhiva.mobilnost.hr/index_en.php?id=2.

Please note that within the Call 2011 Croatian institutions can participate in the following activities:

  • Student mobility for study (SMS)
  • Student mobility for placements (SMP)
  • Staff mobility for teaching assignments (STA)
  • Staff mobility for training (STT)
  • Intensive programmes (IP)
  • Erasmis intensive language courses (EILC)
  • Preparatory visits (PV)


Croatian HEI can receive incoming student and staff from Call 2011 (from 1st June 2011.) .

Important note:
The Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes holds no responsibility for the quality and outcome of future cooperation.


Aktivnosti Rokovi
Erasmus intenzivni jezièni teèajevi (EILC) 01.02.2013.
Erasmus potvrda konzorciju za struène prakse 08.03.2013.
Intenzivni programi (IP) 08.03.2013.
Mobilnost studenata i osoblja 08.03.2013.
Pripremni posjeti 11.01.2013.
Erasmus + Erasmus + , poziv na dostavu projektnih prijedloga Erasmus+, pronađi se u programu Obzor 2020. Obzor 2020., poziv na dostavu projektnih prijedloga Obzor 2020., pronađi se u programu