Povratak na naslovnicu
Call for Trainers - "Start with Environment!" - Contact-making seminar for Youth Exchanges

The Croatian National Agency for the Youth in Action Programme with the co-operation of the Swiss NA, the Hungarian NA and the Austrian NA launches a call for three facilitators for the contact-making seminar on the topic of environment targeted at organizations with no or little experience within the framework of Youth Exchanges (Actions 1.1 and 3.1 of the Youth in Action Programme) that will take place in Zadar, Croatia in June 2011.

Full text of the call can be found here.

To apply, please send the application form together with the CV in English (Europass format) by January 10, 2011 at 23:59 to yia@mobilnost.hr

datum otvaranja: 09.12.2010
datum zatvaranja: 10.01.2011
otvoren: Da
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