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C/1. full PhD programme 

The scholarship is conditional upon successful entrance exam / admission to the respective doctoral school.

Postgraduate studies scholarships may be extended exceptionally, only under special circumstances, on one occasion. These scholarships can only be used for conducting studies or research in Croatia, which means that scholarship holders must stay in Croatia during the whole period of their studies or research.

Scholarship terms for postgraduate studies and research

The applicant should meet the academic requirements of the Croatian University that he/she applies to. A scholarship will be approved only after the required institution accepts the candidate.

Scholarship holders can make use of the scholarship only during the period of the specific academic year for which the scholarship has been granted.

Within 30 days after the scholarship ends, each scholarship holder must submit to the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes a detailed Final Report about the studies or research he/she has carried out, as well as a certificate by his/her supervisor about the research. If this is not the case, scholarship refund shall be claimed.

Prospective students who wish to apply for graduate or postgraduate study programmes and have a foreign higher education qualification or degree, will need to undergo the process of academic recognition. Academic recognition for the purpose of continuation of higher education on graduate or postgraduate study programmes in Croatia is performed by Offices for Academic Recognition of Foreign Higher Education Qualifications at Croatian higher education institutions. Please contact desired Universities for more information.

A scholarship for a full cycle of postgraduate studies in Croatia will be renewed every year, pending academic success in previous academic year.

A scholarship holder must submit to the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes at the end of the each academic year, latest until 1st October:

  • Final Report
  • Certificate about successful enrolment in the next academic year 

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