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Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)

The Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7) is the central funding programme of the European Union that supports and encourages research in the European Research Area (ERA). It marks a continuation of Framework Programmes since 1984, when the First Framework Programme was launched. The Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development is the first to run for an extended period of 7 years (in contrast to 5 years) and it is divided into 4 specific subprogrammes: Cooperation, Ideas, People; Capacities. The main goal of the Seventh Framework Programme is the continued development of the European Research Area (ERA) and the total FP7 budget amounts to more than € 50.5 billion, with another € 2.7 billion allocated for the five-year Euratom nuclear research program.

The Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes has expanded its coverage of FP7 from the specific subprogramme People to a small portion of the subprogramme Cooperation. Today, the Agency not only promotes the education and training of young Croatian researchers abroad within the subprogramme People, but also fosters active transnational cooperation of a wider range of individuals and organizations from Croatia – in the thematic areas Energy and Environment, which are a part of the FP7 subprogramme Cooperation.  The FP7 National Contact Points (NCPs) for the subprogramme People and for the two thematic areas Energy and Environment of the subprogramme Cooperation are located in the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes. A list of contacts for FP7 National Contact Points from all areas and FP7 subprogrammes can be found on the web pages of the Croatian Institute of Technology (HIT – Hrvatski institut za tehnologiju), at the following link:

For a general introduction to FP7, please see the brochure on understanding the Seventh Framework Programme, available here:


E-mail contacts at the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes:

For FP7 People: 

For FP7 Cooperation (Energy & Environment):



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