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Present your knowledge and experience to Europe - Europass is at your hand!

Europass is a portfolio containing five documents. Its purpose is to enable European citizens to present their acquired skills and qualifications in a clear and comparable way. In this process, the improved visibility of the given personal and professional competences facilitates their mobility throughout Europe aimed at the implementation of lifelong learning and contributes to the development of quality education and vocational training. At the same time, the Europass initiative facilitates the mobility for occupational purposes across various sectors in Europe, including the EU countries, the European Economic Area and candidate countries.

Therefore, this initiative implements in practice one of the key principles of the European Union: citizens' right to free movement throughout Europe.

Since the establishment of a single European Community framework for the transparency of qualifications and competences (Europass) on 15 December 2004, according to the Decision No 2241/2004/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, there have been developed a number of documents both at European and national levels. Their aim is to enable European citizens to present their qualifications and competences to a third party in a clear and efficient way, e.g. during their job search or participation in an academic programme.

Since its beginning, one of the key features of the Europass initiative has been its focus on skills and competences.

  • CV – citizens emphasise their abilities;
  • Language Passport – helps to self-assess language skills regardless of the formal criteria;
  • Certificate Supplement – a detailed description of a formal certificate according to the learning results, its aim is similar to the Diploma Supplement;
  • Mobility – records skills acquired during a mobility period and the related experience.

Europass curriculum vitae (CV) – It provides citizens with the opportunity to present their qualifications, skills and competences in a clear and comprehensive way. It is easy to supplement it with other Europass documents.

Europass Language Passport – A document used by European citizens to describe and assess their language skills using a table with a detailed description of levels.

Europass Certificate Supplement – It is intended for people who hold a vocational education certificate to describe their qualifications and competences corresponding to the attained vocational education.

Europass Diploma Supplement – It is issued to graduates of higher education institutions. Its aim is to provide the additional information on the obtained qualifications. 

Europass Mobility – A document used to record a period of time that a person spends abroad for the purposes of learning or training.


Detailed information about the implementation and promotion of Europass in the Republic of Croatia and in Europe available from

Contact the National Europass Centre Croatia:


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