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Euroguidance is a European network of national resource and information centres for guidance. It promotes mobility and helps guidance counsellors and individuals to better understand the opportunities available to European citizens throughout Europe. Euroguidance is part of the European Commission Lifelong Learning Programme. Nowadays, the Euroguidance network consists of more than 40 Euroguidance centres in 33 European countries. The European Commission currently provides financial support to the Euroguidance under the Lifelong Learning Programme, but it is also co-funded by the national authorities.

If we look at the main activities of Euroguidance we can see the difference among national centres. Depending on their national contexts, the Euroguidance centres may give different weight to the different tasks, but they all focus attention to the achievement of two overall objectives:

  • Promoting the European dimension in guidance,
  • Providing information on the lifelong guidance and mobility for learning purposes.

In response to the core objectives of the network, the tasks of the centres are focused on promoting mobility of guidance counsellors and other educational professionals. Moreover, a priority task is to make guidance practitioners aware of a range of methodologies and practices in European countries.

The main target group of the Euroguidance network are guidance practitioners. Other, more indirect, target groups include students, pupils, parents, trainers of guidance practitioners and other educational professionals. The Euroguidance centres promote a synergy by ensuring close and systematic co-operation with other related European networks (in particular ELGPN, Europass and EURES). Furthermore, the centres should also strive to develop cooperation with national, regional and local authorities.

The Agency for mobility and EU programmes acts as a national Euroguidance centre for Croatia.

The core tasks of the National centre related to promoting European dimension in guidance are promoting the mobility of guidance practitioners by making them aware of European opportunities in the field of education and training, supporting their competence development through dissemination and sharing of guidance and counselling practices in Europe. Related to providing quality information on the lifelong guidance and mobility for learning purposes, the core tasks include collection and dissemination of the information about Croatian education and guidance system and participation in the activities related to the Euroguidance. It also promotes mobility and mobility opportunities through the EU programmes.


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