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Erasmus+ is the new EU programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport, which supports transnational partnerships and national efforts to modernise systems. Erasmus+ brings together EU programmes in the fields of Education, Training, and Youth. It has replaced Lifelong Learning Programme, Tempus, Erasmus Mundus, Alfa, Edulink, and the bilateral cooperation programmes with industrialised countries.

 Three higher education actions are open to cooperation with Partner Countries:

International Credit mobility: the well-known Erasmus programme is for the first time opento non EU universities, students and staff; Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees are offered by consortia of EU and –optionally – non-EU universities. This is the continuation of Action 1 of Erasmus Mundus. Capacity building in the field of Higher Education will replace what used to be financed under Tempus, Edulin and Alfa, i.e. joint projects based on multilateral partnerships to fund curriculumdevelopment and modernisation, new diplomas, modern teaching and learning practices, upgrading of facilities and equipment, improving university governance and management, and creating better links between higher education and the world of work.

Furthermore, Jean Monnet activities support academic teaching and research (Chairs, Modules and Centres of Excellence), cooperation projects, conferences and publications in the field of EU studies. Universities, organisations and associations from all over the world can apply direct to EACEA for Jean Monnet activities.

The General Erasmus+ Call for proposals, the Programme Guide and Specific Calls for proposals are available here.

International Contact Point in Croatia:

Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes

Jasmina Skoèiliæ (e-mail: jasmina.skocilic[at]

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