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Obligations of CEEPUS Teachers 

According to the CEEPUS III Work Programme, faculty members shall carry a workload of at least 6 teaching or supervising hours a week (i.e. a stay of 5 workdays) at the host university, as laid down in their mobility application.

With respect to the above said, if you are applying for a teacher scholarship, in the "Motivation" section of the online application form you are obliged to specify how many hours you are planning to teach and on what topics. If there is an additional purpose of your visit, please specify that as well. If there is no sufficient information on the purpose of your visit in the Motivation field, the NCO Croatia has the right to request you to enter it or to reject your application.  

At the end of your stay you need to hand in the Teacher Report  to the CEEPUS coordinator at your host institution, together with the Attendance List and/or the Supervising Report (these documents make an integral part of the Teacher Report).

You should also send a signed copy of the Confirmation Letter to our National CEEPUS Office within two weeks of your departure either scanned by email to or by regular mail to the address of our NCO. If you need the original for your home institution as well, make sure you have two copies signed for you. Also, within two weeks of your departure you should fill out the Mobility Report in your application on the CEEPUS page. In order to be able to fill out the Mobility Report your application should be in th estatus "accepted by applicant". 



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