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How do I apply for CEEPUS mobility as a teacher? 

There are two main types of mobility in CEEPUS: mobility inside CEEPUS networks (network mobility) and mobility outside CEEPUS networks (freemovers).

Network Mobility

If your home institution participates in one or more CEEPUS networks we advise you to first contact the CEEPUS coordinator at your home institution to enquire about the number of available scholarships, available destinations and the selection procedure. If your CEEPUS coordinator approves your scholarship, you will need to initiate the procedure of online application, described in the paragraph below. 

Mobility applications are submitted online at CEEPUS website. If you have not registered on the CEEPUS website, please register with the Mobility role. After you sign in, click on the link "your mobility application", choose the academic year, click "Action" and follow the instructions. For all the further infromation and assistance in filling in your mobility application, you can contact the CEEPUS coordinator at your faculty or your local National CEEPUS Office.

If your institution is a member of a CEEPUS network, you do not have to upload any additional documents. Your online application first needs to be approved by your home institution and your home NCO. After that, the application is forwarded to the host institution and is finally accepted by the host NCO. You will receive an e-mail with the information whether your your application has been accepted or not.


If your home and/or host institution do not participate in a CEEPUS network, you can still apply for a CEEPUS scholarship. You need to follow the same procedure of online application as described in the section on Network mobility above, but you will need to upload a Letter for freemover teachers from the host institution. You can find the template of the letter below and at the bottom of your mobility desktom after you sign in at the CEEPUS webpage. Bear in mind that scholarships for freemovers can only be approved after all the network mobility applications have been processed. This is why freemover scholarships are usually awarded only after the 30 November for the summer semester.



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