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If you have a justified reason to request the prolongation of your CEEPUS scholarship, you should complete the prolongation procedure at least one month prior to the expiration of your scholarship. All the prolongation requests received after this period will be automatically rejected.


In order to have your scholarship prolonged, you should follow these steps:

 1. Ask the CEEPUS coordinator/your mentor at the host institution to fill out the Prolongation Form available below.

2. Send the Prolongation Form to the NCO Croatia by email or regular mail.

3. Access the Motivation field of your online CEEPUS mobility application. Enter "Prolongation"  in this field, give the reasons for the extension of your scholarship and the period you want the scholarship to be prolonged for.

4. Inform the NCO Croatia that you have done that.

Conditions of the prolongation

If the approved prolongation period is shorter than 16 days, the NCO will extend your accommodation and the validity of your student card, but it will not award you an additional monthly grant. You are only eligible for additional grants if the period you are requesting the prolongation for is longer than 17 days.



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