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Accommodation for teachers is provided upon reservation by the NCO for the dates stated in the Letter of Award. Please check the information e-mail you will receive one month prior to the arrival for more details on the location of the student dormitory. The cost of the accommodation is covered by the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes.

Accommodation Allowance

Since not all the Croatian universities have adequate accommodation capacities available for teachers, it is possible to request the payment of teh accommodation allowance. The accommodation allowance is only payable if there is no adequate accommodation available. The home institution should request the payment of the accommodation allowance at least 30 days prior to the arrival of the visiting teacher. For the accommodation allowance rates, please go to the Home page of the CEEPUS website and click on the Croatian flag.

If the NCO Croatia agrees with your host CEEPUS coordinator that there is a need for the accommodation allowance, the NCO Croatia will no longer be responsible in any way for the organisation of your accommodation.  


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