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The Partner Search database helps you search for and contact potential project partners.

Please note that the Agency for Mobility and European Union Programmes (National Agency) cannot vouch for the quality of the suggested modes of cooperation in the partner search database nor for the success of potential future partnerships with the partners selected from the database. The National Agency does not evaluate the organisations and cannot be held responsible for the quality of potential future cooperation with these organisations.

You are strongly advised to undertake all the necessary checks of the partner selected from the partner search database (including checks whether the insitution is an intermediary organization) and clearly agree upon modes of future cooperation before you start applying for funding together.



Comenius - (pred)školsko obrazovanje Leonardo da Vinci - strukovno obrazovanje Erasmus - visokoškolsko obrazovanje Grundvig - obrazovanje odraslih Transverzalni program - studijski posjeti Jean Monnet - europske integracije MLADI NA DJELU EURAXESS - mobilnost istraživača Erasmus mundus- združeni diplomski i doktorski studiji Europass - skup dokumenata sa svrhom transparentnosti kvalifikacija eTwinning - virtualna suradnja škola Program bilateralne mobilnosti - mobilnost u okviru sveučilišta